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Glen Waters

To view Glen’s work at The Gallery Havelock, click here

Glen’s journey in clay began after moving to Atlanta GA USA in the 1980’s. 

She attended Callenwolde Art Centre for 3yrs, learning the ancient technique of hand building with clay to make pottery. Workshops and conferences were a big part of that valuable time she spent being taught by some of the best Ceramic Artists around at that time.

Mostly her work is made from slabs of fine white stoneware clay…After the piece is formed, it is burnished to a soft satin sheen using a fine slip known as Terra sigillata (earth’s skin ) If it is a textured form she will add many layers of oxides and slips to achieve the effect she is looking for.  The form always dictates the surface finish.

“ My work is always changing, and is a lot more contemporary than when I first started.  I  strive to achieve a feeling of peaceful beauty, as if it has been around a long time and has an aura of calm for the viewer to enjoy. The essence of my work draws on the essence of who I am as a New Zealander …With the oceans and the rivers,  mountains and valleys forever influencing the shapes and forms I make in clay.”

Glen lives in Fairhall, surrounded by hills overlooking the vineyards and valleys of Marlborough.