Steve Halton

“A Touch of Glass” $1,450 SOLD

“Blue Moon” $1,600

“Elm Leaves” $960

“Into The Woods” $900

“Sunrise” $1,680

“Ziggurat” $495

“Rack’n’Roll” $5,300


Steve designs and creates bespoke boxes and wall sculptures from his studio in the Wairau Valley, Marlborough. New Zealand.
 He uses recycled and rescued woods for most of his work and the majority of these are found locally.                                                       
Originally from North Yorkshire where he used English and European hardwoods to create bespoke boxes and pieces of furniture. 

Since moving to Marlborough in 2009 he has explored a range of New Zealand and Australian timbers in his work.                               
His boxes are primarily designed with an aesthetic and sculptural emphasis while also providing an elegant container for precious possessions . 

Each piece is carefully created to highlight the natural beauty of the chosen woods.                                                            
Steve exhibits on the North and South Islands and his work attracts both national and international buyers.   

Contact us.

To order any of these works, or to enquire about any of them, please fill out the form and we will get back to you as soon as possible.


Rick Edmonds


Rebekah Codlin